The Oxford Literary History of Australia (Music Books/Songbooks), Auckland in Auckland, Auckland for sale

The Oxford Literary History of Australia (Music

pp 488 includes index.'Sixteen leading cultural historians and literary critics from around ; Two outstanding chapters on Aboriginal writing; Highly useful chronology of key lives, publications and social and political milestones, both Australian and overseas; comprehensive index of works, individuals and themes.'; invaluable guide to major writings in all literary genres: poetry, drama, fiction, radio, film and television; Entries recognise the diversity of Australian writing and its historical and political contexts.'NB This is a large book - postage may exceed web-generated estimate- please feel free to contact seller for accurate quote at point of purchase.
Bruce and Jennifer Strauss (Editors) Contributors Bennett
The Oxford Literary History of Australia
Publisher name
Oxford University Press, Melbourne Oxford Auckland New York
Shipping time
3 - 7 days
Publication year
First edition
Binding type
Hard cover
Listing condition
Item condition
Vendor name
Vendor rating
Key words
Nonfiction, Australia, Australian, History And Criticism,